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The Technology Guide

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Can Technology Help Us Save Our Planet?

This question has been in the minds of most folks. In the midst of the uprising technology advances we are also faced with lots of negative effects we see today. This question is actually related with life and medicine as…

Is Your Business Technology-Strategic or Technology-Dependent?

Security in the IT arena is not a new topic, but corporate awareness of its presence (or lack thereof) is at an all-time high. Not a day goes by without seeing a headline somewhere relating to stolen data, hacked company…

What Drives Information Technology

Information technology generally refers to all forms of technology used in the creation, storage, exchange and utilization of data, conversation and all multi-media forms of communication. With computer technology constantly changing and improving, businesses are being driven with the need…

Social Media Security

As well as individuals, companies large and small can be the victims of lax social media security. Accounts have been hacked, changed and used to spread political and scatological messages. Brands have been besmirched, and customers and prospects lost. While…

Your Business Can Navigate The Social Media Minefield

Social Media! It’s all around us. Everywhere you look it’s: ‘Like Us On Facebook’ here and ‘Tweet Us’ there. We are surrounded by social media networks, and new ones are springing up all the time. Even though some businesses have…

Social Media: Where to Begin?

Social Media is everywhere. There is no escaping it. Twenty years ago there was a raise in households buying PC’s. This encouraged more and more people to get on the Internet. Then there were PC’s for each individual within the…

Leveraging the Power of Social Media for Employee Referrals

Recruiting is all about communication, and modern times have witnessed several shifts. Internet capacity has expanded to the point where instant interaction is within everybody’s grasp. As timing becomes more immediate, the way that people search and connect is advancing….


Why It’s Better to Deal With SEO Resellers Than SEO Providers

The topic is a cause for never-ending debate. Some SEO experts say that SEO providers are always greater than SEO resellers because resellers are only borrowing the services of providers. Resellers have to do this to survive the industry and…


Where to Sell Your SEO

The sale of SEO is definitely applicable to everyone who needs it. Why not? You’re an SEO provider and it’s your obligation to present your business to those who need it. However, with the ubiquitous presence of businesses and websites…


Basics of the SEO Reseller Program

What is search engine optimization? What are the benefits of the SEO services? Well, these are just a few basic questions asked time and again by all new webmasters. But, are you aware about the SEO Reseller program? One of…